Ian Davis

Ian Davis My grandfather was my first inspiration in photography. He would go out and take pictures “just because”. Grandpa spent time in darkrooms, tried different cameras, had hundreds and hundreds of slides and prints. He showed me what a contact sheet was....

John Charlton

John Charlton   Many people know me as the person behind this and other local area web sites. However, when I really want to kick off my shoes and wade into the waters of my own creative subconscious, nothing does it for me quite like photography. Living on a...

Lori Gillespie

Lori Gillespie   Lori resides in Shiloh, a quaint rural area of Cramahe Township that hasn’t changed much in the past hundred years. Being a wife, mother and grandmother, photography has always been very important in documenting her family and memories, but her...

Margaret Hamilton

Margaret Hamilton Artist Statement Though not a professional, I am someone who has an intense passion for photography. I see and feel something in each photo I shoot. I want my photography to speak to one’s heart. I’m drawn to nature, landscapes, architecture and...

Patricia Calder

Patricia Calder photographer/writer Photographer   Contact: patinpei@yahoo.ca Photography I have loved photography since I purchased a Brownie box camera at the age of 16. The play of light through the...