Writers’ Blog
If you are a member of Spirit of the Hills and would like to contribute to this blog, please consult our submission guidelines.
Survival Art
Today, it is a rainy Sunday. Not quite noon, and I’m sitting at my laptop listening to the rain crash hard on the flat roof above me. It is dark out, the skies are rumbling, and I’m wondering what to do next… Why not write?
Another Dog Story – Kelpie 1967
This is not an ordinary obituary.
Farm dogs guard the farmer’s home, their loud dependable bark announces incoming cars and trucks.
The Seven Rs of Pandemic Writing
Everyone is writing a pandemic journal, it seems. We all want to capture this lost time that will soon disappear (we hope) when the vaccine makes its way into our arms, when we forget face masks, and how to socially distance, and the acronyms PPE, PCR and RNA.
Wind Sniffing
we were to say the least a – motley crew of women – middle-aged recruitments – from the local temp employment – meeting every morning out
behind the plant down in the – parking lot where Joe who – had seen better days waited – in his rusted eighties Ford
Alone: A Winter in the Woods is now an e-book
Chris the Story Reading Ape’s blog announces the release of Felicity Sidnell Reid’s new e-book: Felicity is excited to announce that almost five years after the publication of Alone: A Winter in the Woods as a print edition(Hidden Brook Press 2015), the book is now released as an e-book.
Releasing a Book During a Pandemic
“So, if you quit writing fiction, why are you releasing another novel?” my rational self asks me. “For God’s Sake, man!” this know-it-all-self erupts in more self-righteousness, “the world is in lockdown, people have no money for food, they are too scared to go out to GET food, let alone attend a book launch or a bookstore, there is a paranoia enveloping everyone regarding their health, and the $64K question is ‘will I survive this pandemic,’ and all you can think of is giving them another BOOK?”