John Charlton

Until recently, I have been the webmaster here at It’s a role I’ve held and cherished for the past 20 plus years. I guess I still hold that title, but thanks to the swift assistance of others in this fine organization, I’ve been allowed to step back a bit since the death of my wife and lifelong friend in September of 2024 to grieve my loss and reflect upon who I am as a person without her. The jolt to the system of losing someone so close is staggering, the loss of identity almost complete. I’m sure many can relate.

But I’ve been a photographer for even longer than I’ve been with Ruth and now I need that outlet more than I ever have. Photography has been my primary form of artistic expression for over 40 years. In February of 2024 I began a second journey of artistic expression, publishing my photos along with a few words trying to explain, or at least discover why I make the photos I do. I gave this new effort the title My Photo Journal and it resides on a relatively new blogging platform called Substack. In it, I attempt to discover the why of my photography. This has been an important departure from my usual routine of shooting and posting to social media, which frankly has grown a little stale over the last couple of years.

With each new article, I’ve gained a bit more clarity, and while I haven’t entirely figured it out yet, I have been making progress and in the process, beginning to find my voice as a writer. The first entry from February was entitled The Road Ahead

The Road Ahead by John CharltonThe Road Ahead

I was just getting into the swing of things when the unthinkable happened and my wife was struck down with hardly any warning. My response was to continue posting but to do so incorporating the topic of grief. I am still shooting as I always have, but now with newfound purpose. My Photo Journal has also become my grief journal.

Grief is perhaps the most universal experience we as humans share, and yet like death itself, it can be an uncomfortable subject for many to think about. I don’t have that problem. Grief is pretty much my constant companion. As I work through my grief I am shooting and posting to My Photo Journal. I invite you to join me and if you are interested in what I am posting, to subscribe to see where my journey takes me. Personally, I have no Idea where the road will lead next.


Heart Shaped Leaf and Lily Pads by John CharltonHeart Shaped Leaf and Lily Pads

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