Brenda Rolfe

Brenda Rolfe Brenda Rolfe has lived in Castleton Ontario with her husband Ray for 30 years. She has 2 sons John 27 and Liam 23. This novella is 12000 words long and would appeal to young and older adults. You can purchase this book on Kindle or Kobo for under $4.00...

Brian Tyson

Brian Tyson   Contact: Originally from England, I emigrated to Canada in 1968 and studied Photographic Arts at Ryerson beginning in 1971. Although I had intended to become a...

Carol Anne Bell-Smith

Carol Anne Bell-Smith    Artist Bio Carol Anne Bell-Smith began her artistic journey as the photo finish photographer at a local racetrack at 16. Her love of old lenses and new technology informs her own personal style of Impressionist Photography. A nurse,...

Celia McBride

Celia McBride About Celia McBride is a writer/performer and spiritual director living in Port Hope. Her memoir “O My God: An Un-Becoming Journey” has been called “a worthy addition to the literature on modern spirituality” and can be found...

Chris Montgomery

Chris Montgomery   “My goal is to continually challenge my design, technical and artistic ability by stretching the boundaries of my medium and thereby simply bring beauty into your life, so that you can live with it and so enhance your life.” As a professional...