Andrea Torrey Balsara A.T.Balsara lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband. She is the proud mom of two adult daughters, two dogs, two cats, and two hives of bees. She writes and illustrates for young children up to young adults. Links...
Andy Moeck Photography has been my hobby for many years, back to the days when I printed in the darkroom. I enjoy the hunt for interesting scenes worthy of being captured and shared. Perhaps the catch is a compelling picture of the night sky, or it may be of people,...
Anita Gutteridge Anita Gutteridge was born and raised in Cobourg, Ontario. After Anita’s two children grew up and left home, to help fill in her time Anita began an oil painting course with Joanne Purdy and has been enjoying painting ever since. Gardening is another...
Anja Hertle mosaic artist, Grafton I have been a maker of colourful stuff since birth. After a childhood in Germany, a background in Interior Design and working in acrylics, my love for mosaics was awakened and I have been hooked on this expressive medium for...