Sharon Ramsay Curtis

Where Books can be Purchased
Books can be picked up by appointment at the Artful Garden Gallery,
12006 Highway #2,Colborne Ontario. K0K 1S0,
Contact phone number 905 355 3257.
If desired arrangements can be made for delivery within the Northumberland Hills and surrounding area.

Artist Bio

Sharon Ramsay CurtisMidway through my 7th decade, it is interesting to look back on a life that has always had a creative and “artful” focus.

From early childhood days at day camp, pouring and painting plaster molds and building popsicle stick structures, to the present day when I have begun to work with colour, line and intuition, to see what will appear, my creative adventures have been many and varied.

In my early 40’s I had the opportunity to study clay arts and develop the skills necessary to produce beautiful three-dimensional objects. That passion has continued to this day.

Although my interests have mainly been in the visual arts, my love of words and their many subtle meanings has led me to become a “sometime” writer. This interest, in combination with my years spent as a kindergarten teacher led to the writing and illustrating of two children’s books Edward Covered and Gladiola Groundhog Sleeps In.

I have learned so much about myself through this fruitful journey and can hardly wait to see what the next learning will be.

In the words of Maggie Muggins, one of my childhood book friends, “Tra-la-la-la-loro-I don’t know what will happen tomorrow!”

That excites me deeply! It is a joy to share my work with you.

For more information about my work go to