Marie Prins
From an early age when my mother taught me to read, my life has been about books. In childhood, I devoured them. At university, I earned a BA in English Literature. As an adult, I sold them in bookstores. Now as a remedial reading tutor, I teach children how to read them. And for almost two decades, I write them.
My memoir and poetry can be read in the Hill Spirits II, III, IV Anthologies. My children’s short stories appear in Hill Spirits V and VI Anthologies, all published by Blue Denim Press.
website –
Who’s Walking Dawg?
When Dawg’s busy family ignores his pleas for a walk, he takes matters into his own paws and follows his nose on an adventure through the neighbourhood. Eventually his rumbly tummy reminds him where his food bowl dwells, as well as his frantic family who is searching for him in all the wrong places.
Available for purchase from Canadian Independent Bookstores, and
Available for purchase from Lighthouse Bookstore, Brighton; Furby House Books, Port Hope; and Spark Toys, Cobourg.
The Girl From the Attic
My children’s novel The Girl From the Attic was published by Common Deer Press in 2020. Its cover and illustrations were drawn by local artist Edward Hagedorn. The Girl From the Attic was inspired by the history of my octagonal house in Northumberland County. It is a middle-grade, time-travel novel that takes place in 1901 and 2001 in Northumberland County.
Available for purchase from Canadian Independent Bookstores,, and
Available for purchase from Lighthouse Bookstore, Brighton; Furby House Books, Port Hope; and Spark Toys, Cobourg.
The Girl from the Attic at Common Deer Press