Lynda Sellar

Becoming a student of watercolour painting is a highlight of my adult life. There is a thrill to be had seeing something take shape on a piece of white watercolour paper. There is joy in colour. And always a reward to be had in being present in nature.
Lynda Sellar

Lynda describes herself as a “Sunday and holiday” painter. When she retired to Port Hope after a career in nursing education, public health, and epidemiology there were new choices. A belief in lifelong learning became the pivot.

An art instructor once told her that drawing and painting can be learned: they don’t spring entirely from some innate talent. Lynda pursued that idea beginning with excellent instruction in Northumberland—drawing with Stephen Snider and watercolour painting with the late Martha Robinson. Herb Jung continues to provide critiques and encouragement.

Lynda prefers working en plein air with nature as the subject—flowers, forests, lakes and sea from Canada’s coast-to-coast majesty. Travel provides the chance to make postcards and miniatures of treasured scenery in France and Italy.

As her young friend from the big city once remarked, “In Port Hope, every day feels like Sunday.”

Telephone: 905-396-5613