Christopher Cameron

Photo of Christopher Cameron

About Christopher

Christopher Cameron enjoyed a successful career as a professional opera singer, retiring in 2009 after 33 years with the Canadian Opera Company. A number of years ago he began a new career as a freelance writer and editor. His first book, a memoir of his singing years, Dr. Bartolo’s Umbrella and Other Tales from my Surprising Operatic Life (Seraphim Editions), was published in 2017. In June of that year, Christopher and his wife Karen moved to the banks of the Trent River in Campbellford. His book of humorous fiction, Thorneside Stories: A Mix of Sun and Cloud (Iguana Books), was published in September 2022.

Christopher brings his passion for the arts and his respect for the beauty and power of the written word to his editing and feature-writing portfolio at Watershed magazine.

In 2022, his one-act play Nail Polish was premiered at the Northumberland Festival of the Arts. He has written for and performed at Westben Centre for Connection and Creativity through Music, including the popular Chocolate Voices, which he co-wrote and presented with Warkworth chocolatier Angela Roest. For three years he was co-host and sound editor for Word on the Hills on Northumberland 89.7 FM. In what’s left of his spare time, he enjoys playing bass and singing with the trio What Fun!

Christopher continues to marvel at his luck, doing what he loves in beautiful Northumberland County.


Contact information




  • Thorneside Stories: A Mix of Sun and Cloud (Iguana Books)
  • Dr. Bartolo’s Umbrella and Other Tales from My Surprising Operatic Life (Seraphim Editions)



Tree of Light: an 80-minute video of song and words, based on a short story written for Watershed magazine; produced by the Westben Centre for Connection and Creativity through Music and starring the artists and musicians of Northumberland County.

When I Was a Lad I Learned to Write: a musical number performed by Christopher and musician Tom Leighton at the launch of Thorneside Stories in September 2022.

More Fun by What Fun! Written and produced for the Northumberland Festival of the Arts and starring Christopher, Lynn C. Bilton, and Marie-Lynn Hammond. With special guest Saskia Tomkins.

Spread the Word by What Fun! was written by Lynn C. Bilton and recorded by What Fun! at Northumberland Music Studio/Studio 29 in December 2021.